About mobile messages
You can use your phone to send mobile messages that
can be addressed to email addresses and phone numbers.
The recipient typically receives your message via:
• a phone that supports mobile messaging
• a pager
• the internet (through an email client)
Message folders
Message are stored in folders:
• Inbox - Messages that you have received (whether
read or unread) and that you have neither deleted
nor saved.
• Outbox - Messages that you have sent (or that
you have created then saved, intending to send
• Saved - Messages that were in the Inbox or
Outbox and which you saved.
Predictive text input
When composing a message, you can use the predictive
text input method to quickly enter text. See ‘Predictive
text input’ on page 88.
A template is a predefined, commonly used sentence that
you can quickly insert into a message. See ‘Templates’ on
page 91.

Message priority levels
You can assign an urgent priority level to a mobile
message. An icon or message should then appear on the
recipient’s phone (or other device) to indicate the high
priority level of your message.
Delivery notification
When you send a message, you can request to be notified
when the recipient receives the message. This notification
is called a delivery note. If you addressed the message to
more than one recipient, a separate delivery note appears
for each recipient.